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Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Mitsch

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Dr. Friedrich Mitsch

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1988 born in Scherzingen, Switzerland
2007 Abitur at the Heinrich-Suso-Gymnasium Konstanz
2007 - 2008 Preparatory year at the McDaniel College Budapest, Hungary
2008 - 2013 Dentistry studies at the university Quinqueecclesiensis at Pécs, Hungary
2013 Juli - 2014 Jan. Assistant in Constance at the office Dr. Mitsch
2013 Juni Doctorate at the Departement of Parodontology
2013 Juni Professional licence in dentistry at the university of Pécs
2014 - Mai 2016 Assistent at the office of Dr. Kohlbach in Leipzig
seit Juni 2016 Dentist at the office Dr. Mitsch